This E-learning forum

E-learning Forum

The purpose of this E-learning forum is to host a place for                                  
teachers and trainee teachers who are on placement here at
Enjoy Learning to share printable art and design resources, such as -
templates for practice sheets and hand outs for specific techniques
being taught in the lesson, tips, and discuss topics relating to the
learners and sessions. This e-forum will be split up into easy
to access sections which will be shown at the top of the page
for each art and design subject, making it easier for you to access
the resource you require, there is a comments section underneath
each post where discussion and comments can be made.
Each resource will be printable and available for your use when
planning sessions and workshops. Teachers will be invited to post
on this e-learning forum to post their resources and tips/advice
on how to make each one work well.

Basic line drawing techniques

Chalk Pastels

Chalk Pastels 

This section features useful handouts on how to use chalk pastels in art and
design. There are step by step examples of how to create a variety of mark making
textures and techniques on how to use the chalk pastels to describe landscapes and
rural scenery.

These handouts feature tips such as :

* You will be tempted to 'blow away' your chalk dust, but try to keep it on
 your page to use and blend with other colours. 

* If necessary, hold picture up right and 
 gently shake dust loose.
* Start with light 'washes' with chalk dust first for the sky and light landscape colours.
* Use masking fluid or white Gouache for very white areas I.E houses, buildings in the distance.

Pencil crayon

Some things to think about... Experimenting and practicing with small areas of colour is essential when trying out a new technique. Try this exercise to find out what you can do with your pencil crayon when drawing flowers and plants.

Shading: Make a series of shaded areas using different pressures on your pencil crayon, how much variation can you get? how smoothly do two colours work together?

Hatching: cover an area with straight marks, making sure to keep them straight and avoid curving.

Cross-hatching: cover another area with regular hatching then hatch the opposite direction across. Experiment with areas of fine hatching and course hatching also. How does it look when you use similar colour to opposite colours? Try to overlay multiple colours.

Scumbling: Use regular even circles and random irregular circles. Try and use a variety of colour combinations.

Incising: Create two thick layers of contrasting colour over the top of each other, use a variety of implements that you have to hand to scratch away the top layer.

Here is a step by step printable handout on how to draw animals and pets using pencil
crayon. There are sections on creating different textures and fur using basic techniques with

Mark making

Here is a practice sheet with tips on how to use charcoal and pencil. Mark making is a key aspect of any art and design lesson and is a basic skill that learners should be taught in these classes. The first
printable handout features a practice sheet which should be printed out onto thick card allowing the learner to add water colour and paint should they wish whilst practicing, and allowing them to keep it with them at home.


Portraiture is a key aspect to
 learning how to draw 
in art and design. 
These handouts show the 
different proportions of 
the face that should be
 considered in a life drawing
 class or when drawing 
from a photographs.